Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Old Story of Cinderella

The poem “Cinderella” by Anne Sexton was first introduced to me by my friend. The poem is what you expect, such as Cinderella serving her two stepsisters and her stepmother. Only to have her fairy god mother come to her and send her to the ball where she meets her prince. And in the end, as expected, she marries her prince charming and lives happily ever after. But Anne Sexton writes it in such a way that it seems she’s mocking the whole story. Her last words at the end of the story are “that story”. It’s very sarcastic and yet nonchalant. A very interesting way to refer to a fairytale. I like this way of storytelling. Making fun of a happily ever after story implying that it cannot really happen. A different approach in seeing the harsh reality of something that little kids believe in so much. Of course this is how I see this poem.
                In the beginning of the poem she refers to different lifestyles of people, also ending each one in “that story”. Indicating that the story of Cinderella is just like those. For example:
“You always read about it:
the plumber with the twelve children
who wins the Irish Sweepstakes.
From toilets to riches.
That story.”
-      Anne Sexton

Nothing but a story you hear on the streets it seems like. Her poem also has little twist of humor in it such as the two sisters disfiguring their feet to fit into the glass slipper and having their eyes being pecked out by a bird. It’s never a happily ever after unless that happenings.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

" I Sell the Dead"

"I Sell the Dead" is a comical movie directed and written by Glenn McQuiad. Staring in the movie is Dominic Monagham which we all know him as a certain hobbit from “Lord of the Rings” and Ron Perlman from “Hellboy”. The story takes place in the 18th century where two grave robbers steals the dead and sells the corpses to a doctor. During their many adventures through the grave yard, they have encounters with vampires, zombie like creatures, and even aliens.  But their troubles don’t start there. The two grave robbers attempt to steal from a ghoulish and psychopathic family clan only to end up in shackles and to have one of the characters with his head rolling by his own feet. Don’t worry, that’s not the end of the film.
This movie has a dark, British humor to it.  From the start you can tell this movie will be different than the other horror movies, which is why I like this movie. It foggy atmosphere and creepy yet (in my opinion) spunky music sets its own tone. I liked this movie because of it’s unusually humor and its ability to make fun of the dead (or undead; depending how you look at it) and paranormal events which takes place in this movie. Creating a film that takes place in the 18th century in England and to come across an alien and stumble on a vampire, is nothing but twisted and funny. Those of you that are obsessed with zombies will absolutely love this movie.